Airline Improvements
Purchasing improvements will increase the performance of your aircraft, help you earn more money on your routes and increase your airline ratings. Airlines are limited to purchase 1 improvement every 3 days. Each improvement has it's own daily cost and rating requirement in order to purchase the improvement.
Ticket PricingGate Security
Improvement Cost: $2,500,000 Rating Needed: 2.0000 Hiring a security service makes your passengers feel safer and willing to pay higher fares. Increases ticket price by 2%. Daily Cost: $17,500 Personal TV's Improvement Cost: $7,000,000 Rating Needed: 5.0000 Fitting planes with personal TVs makes your passengers feel more comfortable. Increases ticket price by 5%. Daily Cost: $49,000 Catering Service Improvement Cost: $12,000,000 Rating Needed: 10.0000 Hiring an independent catering service provides better food for your passengers. Increases ticket price by 10%. Daily Cost: $84,000 Crew Training Improvement Cost: $20,000,000 Rating Needed: 30.0000 Training courses for your flight crew provides better service for passengers. Increases ticket price by 15%. Daily Cost: $140,000 |
Minimum Passengers on Board Codeshare Deal
Improvement Cost: $15,000,000 Rating Needed: 10.0000 Signing a codeshare deal with another airline will ensure more passengers on board your aircraft. Increases minimum passengers on board by 1%. Daily Cost: $105,000 Frequent Flyer Program Improvement Cost: $25,000,000 Rating Needed: 20.0000 Starting a frequent flyer program will ensure more passengers on board your aircraft. Increases minimum passengers on board by 2%. Daily Cost: $175,000 Travel Agency Deal Improvement Cost: $40,000,000 Rating Needed: 35.0000 Signing a deal with a travel agency will ensure more passengers on board your aircraft. Increases minimum passengers on board by 3%. Daily Cost: $280,000 Travel Agency Company Improvement Cost: $65,000,000 Rating Needed: 60.0000 Opening a travel agency will ensure more passengers on board your aircraft. Increases minimum passengers on board by 4%. Daily Cost: $455,000 |
Cargo HaulingMail Service Contract
Improvement Price: $10,000,000 Rating Needed: 7.0000 Becoming a subcontractor of a mail company increases the amount of cargo on your planes. Increases minimum cargo load on board by 5% Daily Cost: $70,000 Regional Shipping Contract Improvement Price: $20,000,000 Rating Needed: 15.0000 Becoming a subcontractor of a regional shipping service will increase the amount of cargo your planes are hauling. Increases minimum cargo load on board by 5% Daily Cost: $140,000 International Shipping Contract Improvement Price: $35,000,000 Rating Needed: 40.0000 Becoming a subcontractor of an international shipping company will vastly increase the amount of cargo on your planes. Increases minimum cargo load on board by 8% Daily Cost: $245,000 Private Shipping Contract Improvement Price: $55,000,000 Rating Needed: 75.0000 Becoming the contractor of a private shipping firm will guarantee you a steady supply of cargo to haul. Increases minimum cargo load on board by 10% Daily Cost: $385,000 |